mubarakpur and khairpur
1. Smith, Ronald Vivian. “Lingering Charm of Delhi: Myth, Lore and History”. 2016. Pg.71-72,118

safdarjung’s tomb
dekhegā aaj merī taraf kaun pyaar se bujhtā huā charāġh huuñ patjhaḌ kā chāñd huuñ -M Kothiyavi Rahi Narrative Safdarjung’s tomb was built in 1754 C.E. by Nawab Shuja-ud-daula for his father, Safdarjung. It was built at the cost of three lakh rupees under the...
moth ki masjid
Narrative Moth Ki Masjid was constructed by a noble, Mian Bhuwa, in the court of Sikander Lodhi in the early 16th century. The courtyard of the mosque consists of three unknown graves. The construction of this mosque is associated with legends. According to one of the...
lodhi garden
Narrative The Lodhi Garden consists of structures belonging to Sayyids, Lodhis and Mughals. Earlier the area was known as the village of Khairpur, in 1936 the villagers were displaced and it was called Lady Willingdon Park. After the independence, it was rechristened...